
Tuesday, June 21, 2011

Week of Will (WOW)

This week is appropriately named WILL POWER, the strength to carry out ones, plans, wishes or goals.  We have experienced the destruction, or tearing down that body, mind and meals.  Next, we moved to determination as we focused on rebuilding those 3 elements of change we destroyed in the first two weeks of BODY CAMP.  Hopefully, you all realize that this is a process and the product comes from the process.  Hopefully, we are all in this BODY CAMP or some other form of fitness to change our lifestyle.  Its imperative that we have WIll Power to be successful in that venture.  That will power comes into play when, after 3 succesful weeks of Body Camp, you continue to focus on changing your body.  You should have experienced some changes in your energy level, for some, your weight has started to decrease as well as your inches.  We've spoken to several campers who stated that they have lost 10 pounds since we started 3 weeks ago.  I'm convinced that those the combination of a high energy fitness play, combined with a meal plan will lead to decrease in body weight and inches.  You are probably aware that our Body Camp is a progressive camp, the exercises are going to get more difficult as we go.  We are noticing some increases in overall physical strength as well as cardio endurance.  Your improvements can be attributed to your determination and will power.  We know your lifestyle change is not finished in 3 weeks of work in Body Camp.  This change will continue for the rest of your life and continue to enhance your life and the lives of those around you. 


"It's not that some people have willpower and some don't.  It's that some people are ready to change and others are not."
-  James Gordon   

There is a guy name Tommy Fair in the class,  he's not the fastest person on the two mile run, but he runs the whole time.  Tommy probably won't impress others with his workout, but he shows up everytime he's not working excited to get in class and make a difference in his life.  Tommy has lost over 90 pounds in Extreme Fitness, and now he will do the Body CAMP, Body Pump, Zumba and run if he can find a partner to run with him.  Tommy shows up to the gym excited to have an opportunity to workout.  Today, Chan and I were sitting and talking after class and there goes Tommy, after finishing a Body Camp class getting in few extra moutain climbers.  It was noticeable that he was fighting mental and physical fatigue when he rolled over to stretch.  He finished up and stated his favorite phrase, ROCK, Steady, ROLL Ready.  It was at that moment when it was crystal clear.  Tommy has will power, and he is one guy that is ready to change and is working diligently towards his desired change.   

As much as it hurts to say it, not everyone in body camp will loose weight or change, some people in the class just aren't ready for the change they are seeking.  I truly believe everyone signed up for Body Camp with their mind on change or they wanted to change.  Some of the people can change as evidenced by the campers who have reported that they have lost pounds and inches in the first 3 weeks of camp.  The special ones WILL change in the camp and also their lifestyle.  Special campers will change how they view fitness and working out.  Special campers will change their unhealthy eating habits.  Special Campers will work hard all three days of camp, and workout on their days off by walking and running for 2 miles.  Special campers will look forward to Body Camp and working out, can't wait to get to that gym. Which person are you, do you just want to change?  Are you fixated on I can change and never act on it or will you change?  Just a reminder that the special campers WILL change.  Its all about you this week and throughout the rest of this camp and your life.     

1.  Remember to DRINK THAT WATER. 

2.  Remember serving size. 

3.  Follow a schedule when you eat, eat smaller meals and don't eat to get full.  If you are adjusting your pants after you eat, you probably ate too much. 

4.  Increase your protein intake, protein builds muscles and helps with recovery, especially after workouts. 

5.  Focus on your success,  not your failures. 

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