
Monday, January 3, 2011

Breakfast Week

Our meal plan will start with breakfast and a snack to get us prepared for the total meal plan. 

We need to become very familiar with reading labels and know exactly what we are consuming. 
See the table below and you will find what's on the back of most food products we purchase.

 Most of us in the class will fall between 1700 to 2000 calories per day, based on your level of activity, including work.  This table will put you in the ball park of where you should be on the daily of items listed below.   This chart will be very important when all three meals and snacks are part of our meal plan. 

NutrientUnit of MeasureDaily Values
Total Fat grams (g) 65
  Saturated fatty acids grams (g) 20
Cholesterol milligrams (mg) 300
Sodium milligrams (mg) 2400
Potassium milligrams (mg) 3500
Total carbohydrate grams (g) 300
  Fiber grams (g) 25
Protein grams (g) 50

In addition, its important that you take a mulitvitamin.  The best thing you can do for you body is to eat a balanced diet and supplement it with a quality multivitamin. You'll get the nutrients your body needs from the food and then back it up with the multivitamin for a powerpacked effect. 

Remember we talked about balance, now frequency is also important with this meal plan.  Basically, we will
eat in moderation thoroughout the day and avoid those large meals, especially at night before bed.  By eating small meals throughut the day, your body will hopefully start to respond better and also speed up your metabolism.  We want to avoid be very hungry or feeling lethargic. 

We have discussed the sugar intake, please read the label on sodas, powerade, gatorade. 
Kill the excess SUGARS. Soda pop is a huge culprit in the sugar wars. A 12 ounce can of Dr. Pepper has 38 grams of sugar and 140 calories. If you gave up one daily can of soda, you'd save 980 calories a week, and at the end of a month, will have saved over 3,500 calories, or one pound of weight. The worst thing about soda is that there are no nutrients in it, so it doesn't really solve the problem of hunger. The water in a soda is so saturated with sugar that it actually creates an additional need in the body for water, so it also doesn't solve the problem of thirst. If you find you really love the bubbly, cold aspect of soda, switch to club soda or seltzer, both of which are sugar free.

The best option is good old natural water, 8 to 10 ounces with your meal, it will help you to feel full and keep you hydrated at the same time, you know I will make you sweat. 

Breakfast is the most important meal of the day. 

I will give you several options to begin and you can pick one or come up with one on your own.  Just make sure you stay below 400 calories and pay close attention to what you are consuming.   I have a few examples for you to use if you decide too.   If you come up with a great breakfast, please post it for me.  I would love to see it too.  Calories in these meals are approxiamate. 

Option 1 = 262
4 egg whites (protein)  - 1 medium apple (Fruit) - 1 tbsp low fat peanut butter (fat)
17 cal each = 68              100 cal approx                   94 cal approx 6.12 g of fat

Option 2
Berries and cottage cheese
Calories: 265         Fat: 16 grams       Protein: 20 grams    Carbs:  10 grams
1/2 cup low fat cottage cheese
1tbsp low sugar jelly
1/4 cup sliced almonds
1/2 cup of berries of your choice  

Option 3
Quick and Easy Oatmeal
Calories: 220   Protein:  13 grams       Carb:  38 grams
1/2 cup quick oats
1/2 cup water
1 packet no calorie sweetener (stevia is all natural)
I like fresh berries in my oatmeal (three)

Option 4
Low fat yogurt with berries and granola 
Calories:  170 


Nore said...

I love the breakfast options of which all of them taste good my favorite is the oatmeal I love it. My question is" Is it ok to use low-fat milk instead of water?

Change 3 with T said...

Nore low fat milk is fine, you can use milk or water in oatmeal. I prefer water. Thanks for the comment.

mcferrenk said...

I love to add 1 tsp of peanut butter and a few flax seed to my oatmeal. The peanut butter gives you that extra protein and the flax seed is heart healthy! You can also add 1 tsp of peanut butter to a Eggo Nutragrain Whole Wheat waffle and fold it in half like a sandwich and add fruit inside, like blueberries or sliced bananas, or just with peanut butter. Love my peanut butter, but remember, you should only have 2 T a day!