
Tuesday, October 11, 2011

Why Wait on your body to change

If your improved, healthy body is out there in the distance, how long are you willing to wait?  Maybe, you are like many other people, and your friends, co-workers, family members, significant other or spouse swears they are going to work out with you and never show up?  Why wait on someone else when it's your body that needs the work.  I might get into trouble for this one, but I have to tell you all about waiting on people or things to happen, when you could be making things happen. 

This is the end of the first week of TNT Body Camp and we have seen so many people working hard in camp, over coming obstacles and seeing the fruits of their labor manifest in caloric burn, fat loss and improved cardio endurance.  Saturday was our largest class ever for a weekend class and we took it to the next level.  I was impressed with the effort and energy from the participants, who made some TIME 4 T. 

After TNT Body Camp, I went to the Plex for Extreme Fitness.  I think TNT is as extreme as the Extreme fitness class, name change coming soon.  Upon arrival at the Plex, we were sitting around talking about the weekend, my good friend, the beautiful Brandi, (BG) as I call her said, T let's get started, what are we waiting on.  I replied, "I'm waiting on Troy, he wanted me to call him so he could come to class".  Before I knew it, I was outnumbered by participants who were ready to workout.  I heard Ta'Sheka say, what are we waiting on, I said, "Troy".  She replied, "Troy", is he coming.  I was sure Troy was coming, but we waited a few more minutes and Troy didn't show.  Finally, with a lot of pressure from the other class members who were ready to work, the class started.

I had to look at that whole ordeal and really assess do we really need to wait on my friend or get started.  Of course we started class, finished it and Troy never showed up, but those who did show up, SHOWED OUT, lol.  It made me start to think about all of the people out there who wait on someone to change their lives when the person in the mirror is the greatest source for change.  Is there anyone in your life that's holding you back?  Are you waiting on anyone or anything to change, when you could initiate your own personal change? 
What have you been waiting on, for days, weeks or months and you are still waiting?  LEAN BODY???

Why wait on your body to change by walking slowly to your body, when you have the ability to run to your new body? 

Why wait on your friends or family members who may not be as committed as you are to change?

Why wait on changing your meal plan, when you know that a healthy meal plan leads to great gains for your body? 

Why would you wait on committing to a health and fitness program? 

Why wait to PUT YOUR SIGN UP, my body is under construction, I'm working to change my body, my life and my outlook?