
Friday, September 2, 2011

What happened?

I know that many of you all woke up this morning thinking what did I do, why am I feeling like this?  The soreness you are experiencing is a product of the hard work you put in at TNT Body Camp yesterday.  We had a great turnout and believe, you guys worked hard.  Hopefully, you have started to look at your overall goals for your body and how the combination of fitness and meal planning can help you reach your goals.  I'm a firm believer that you must have a plan, if you want to succeed in life and health should be at major priority.  Just think, when you are unhealthy, how rewarding is your life?  That's why we have to be proactive with fitness, choose a great program that incorporates both cardio and strength training and have a great meal plan.  TNT Body Camp has all three, and we will help you to reach your goals. 

There are a few things we need to ensure you are following during this Body Camp. 

1.  Are you attending camp at least 3 times per week to get the most out of the workouts.  We will work different areas of your body during those 3 days.  Intensity will never be an issue.

2.  Are you hydrated?  Drink your water, about 8 to 10 ounces per meal.  DRINK UP, we make it rain in camp, you will SWEAT. 

3.  Follow the meal plan or a meal plan similar to one that's posted on blog.  Its important that you balance your meals, eat 3 small meals and 2 snacks.  We need you to track what you eat.  Your meal planning is very important to your overall fitness goals. 

4.  Walk / run for 2 miles on the days we don't have camp.  I want you to keep working out and make this a lifestyle change, not just for those three days we have camp.  Your body will be proud of you if you continue to work it.  You saw a need to change, lets aggressively pursue that change by not only doing class but also doing some things on your own. 

5.  Mentally focus on your goal and start to see that change will enhance your quality of life and those around you.  YOU determine where you take your body, it starts with those positive thoughts, encourage yourself, and I will add to your encouragement with some motivation and before you know it, you will be a few sizes smaller, or more toned and excited about working out. 

6.  I been asking you to make a little TIME 4 TNT BODY CAMP, and you did.  Now I need you to rest up today, go to the store and get those healthy alternatives.  Get some good rest tonight and I will see you  in the morning at 7am.  Yes we are going to step it UP!!!!

7.  Make sure you get some weight lifting gloves, good supportive sneakers, they will help you. 


Anonymous said...

I'm up and on it!! Praying that God will strengthen us to achieve all of our goals!! "WITH LONG LIFE SHALL HE SATISFY US" Psalms 91:16

Hustling_in_Heels said...

T you are so awesome!!! What a way to keep us motivated by communicating frequently with encouragement and tips! You are the!!!!! ~D