
Wednesday, February 29, 2012



Breakfast Options

Meal Replacement Protein 8 oz of Soy Milk or water (Shaker Bottle)
You can add 3 strawberries and half banana and blend. 


1/2 grapefruit  & 2 slices whole wheat toast with sugar free jelly NO BUTTER
2 boiled or scrambled eggs in Pam with 8 -10 oz of water  


1/2 cup of oatmeal, not the flavored, with honey (1/2 tbsp) or stevia  3 egg whites.   Boil 3 eggs eat one whole and cut yolk on other 2
You can flavor oatmeal with 2 strawberries and 1/4 banana  


1 cup or Honey Nut cereal or Bran cereal with skim or soy milk. 

Snack OPTIONS: choose one

Small apple w/peanut butter
Mixed nuts (25)
Yogurt w/granola
Can of tuna  5 crackers
Protein bar (nature valley
Egg whites 3
Whey protein 3/4 scoop
Low fat cottage cheese 1/2cup and 1/4 diced pineapple

Lunch Options: Choose one  

All meats baked, roasted, boiled or grilled only. No fried foods!!!!!!

Small salad 8oz(spring mix with spinach 50/50) with low cal dressing
1 boiled egg 4 oz of fish (salmon or tilapia), chicken, turkey or tuna. No pork!!!!


4 oz meat/protein source choose one (salmon, tilapia, chicken, turkey or tuna)
1/2 cup of steamed or cooked vegetables of your choice
1/2 cup of  brown rice and 10 oz of lemon water.


1 scoop Whey Protein
20 mixed nuts


4oz chicken breast
1/2 baked sweet potato
1/2 cup mixed vegetables  


Fruit: Orange, apple, banana
Small apple w/peanut butter
Mixed nuts (25)
Yogurt w/granola
Can of tuna  5 crackers
Protein bar (nature valley
Egg whites 3
Whey protein 3/4 scoop
Low fat cottage cheese 1/2cup and 1/4 diced pineapple

You can only have one of these. 

 Dinner Options:  Choose ONE

Bunless Turkey Burger
Ground turkey 6 oz
Onion     1 slice
Tomato  1 slice
Romaine Lettuce wrapper 1 large
Lowfat mayo and/or mustard   1 tbsp


1 meat - chicken, tilapia, salmon or turkey
1/2 cup of brown rice
1 cup of mixed vegetables.   Green beans, asparagus, etc. 


MRP with 8oz. Of Soy Milk  for dinner           
Please drink a lot of water during the day. After 4 weeks we will evaluate your progress and make changes if needed. Do not deviate from this road map to your health and weight loss. MRP ( Meal Replacement Protein )can be substituted for any meal.

Eat your last meal before 8:00 p.m.  If you come to my 7:30pm class.  you can eat dinner at 5:30 and drink 3/4 cup of whey protein after gym. 

Pinto beans, Lima beans, Greens, and salads are included in your eating plan.  You may have to prepare your meals in advance.  I usually cook my evening meals early so all you have to do is reheat it. 

You are going to be eating every 2 to 3 hours. 

You are eating for nutritional value and not for taste. 

Drink 2 cups of water with each meal. 

Watch your salts and sugar intake. 

We only drink water, no juice, sodas or DRANK (alcohol)  !!!!

Wednesday, January 25, 2012

The Super Workout

TNT Body Camp is helping others to change their lives through fitness.  We are growing together in this fitness game and encouraging each other to reach new heights with our bodies and quality of life.  I've been so impressed with all the support over that past few months, and I'm noticing major changes in both bodies and attitudes.  It's not just enough to get in shape, the special ones maintain it, which requires work.  So, I have gone back into the lab and created this SUPER WORKOUT for February.  I named it after the Superbowl since my team the Cowboys are at home training for next year.  To all my Saints fans in Shreveport, you are home with us too. 

I receive so many messages about working out and what do I need to do to get this weight off, or get my stomach down. I have seen how the workouts have been going, and we are getting results, but there is another level, you can get leaner, stronger and more toned.  Some of us can afford to drop more pounds and transition from that 8 to a 6 or lets shoot for the size 4.  I received a message today from a young lady named Tabatah, who said that she has been training with me for 6 weeks, and has went from a size 10/12 to size 8 and her friends are noticing her body.  She was excited that her stamina is back up, and I have energy again. 

I almost started jumping up and down while reading her message, but she hasn't been the only one, I have others who have lost weight and also have seen their energy level elevate.  I'm hoping there is someone reading this blog, who wants to change, needs to change and writes down every excuse they have for not working out, and throws them in the trash on their way to TNT BODY CAMP.  It's time for the SUPER WORKOUT in February. 

I know some of my faithful are saying how will it be different, this SUPER WORKOUT.  I got Yomeka, Diedre, Tyneisha, Kim W, TaSheka, Tankey, ROS, Mosa, TROY, BG, CG, AG, TOMMY, BIG C, TOYA, DIMPZ, LOS x2, NASHAWNA, LACY, WHITNEY, Kris, Phil, Kasey, James, Delores, Lakeisha D, Sanae, D Aundra, Gabby, Reggie, Darin, Miss Monica/Francis, Angie B, Crystal B, Keisha G, Melissa, Hilery, Brooke, Tamara, Kandi V, Faye, (Alexis, Jessica, Triple D, Latisha, Bonita, Lauree, Leanis, Valecia, Tellauance) Graham Family.  Tony, Bama(Katrina), Marcie, Zach, Krissy, Wally, Lisa, Angel, Crystal G, Takenna, Jackie P, Liz, Hannah, Chloe W, Reshonda, JB and Meka B (MIA), Pam D, Shell, Sallie, Cindy, Tabatha, Monica, Sheronda,  Ebony, Mike H, Julia & Keisha, Keistie V, Malene, Janelle, Tuesday,Micah and Patti.  Now I know I missed someone, but I didn't have my list, that's off the top of my head.  I try to know my people, can't call you that if I don't know you personally. 

The reason February is titled Super Workout is really because of the super people who show up and allow me to train them on a weekly basis.  I figured I'd give even more back to you all who show up and work really hard to get in better shape.  This month will be totally different from the other months because we are going to step it up even more.  Believe it or not, we are going to pick up the pace, the intensity and reach new heights.  I need you guys, who are SUPER by the way to get all the items on this list for the February Camp. 

1.  Pair of weight lifting gloves.  they will help with gripping bars, dumbbells, resistance bands, and when we crawl. 

2.  Boxing Gloves  - We will do more kick boxing during the next camp.  Leave those gloves in the car, in the trunk.  They do tend to smell after they get sweaty.   8 oz heavy bag gloves for women.  10 oz for men.  You can find them at Wal Mart, Academy, Dicks, TJ Maxx or order them online. 

3.  Comfortable shoe - you need a cross training shoe.  I'm seeing a lot of cute shoes that match your outfit, but they are not training shoes.  I love it when the shoes are coordinated with your outfit, you just have to make sure they are adequate for the type of training we do which is cross training.  We run, jump, crawl, kick, push pull, etc.   Also, shoes don't last forever, if your shoes are showing signs of wear and tear, you should probably invest in a new pair. 

4.  Supportive attire - this is especially for my ladies.  Pick up a sports training bra and other supportive attire which will help you with your workout.  Compression gear helps your workout, for both men and women.  I wear a compression shirt and shorts, every time I come to class.  You don't want anything to hold you back from giving 100% to your workout. 

5.  Towel - its good to have a towel in camp, because we do a lot of partner assisted exercises and many of you know, we start sweating about 10 minutes into the workout and it lasts for the duration.

6.  Positive attitude - before you ever change, you have to be optimistic about your change.  Wake up with your mind on changing your body, think about it during the day, work hard in camp.  Your attitude will determine how high you go and where you take your body. 

7. Water - If you haven't experienced a class with me, you better ask somebody.  You will need your water, you will look forward to the water break.  I get bashed all the time, "You didn't give us our water break"  Mosa will always let me know.  Get that water, drink it throughout the day.  Bring a bottle to class. 

8.  Make sure you pay your water bill, it tends to rain in camp everyday, and people leave with wet tshirts, shorts, etc.  Also, get some good detergent, wash those clothes.  Some people like to soak in epsom salt for soreness and you need water to do that.  Taking a shower daily helps the personal hygiene too, plus we do a lot of partner assisted exercises, in close quarters.

Again thanks for supporting TNT Body Camp.  The SUPER WORKOUT will be our est workout of this NEW YEAR, 2012.  We started it off right, now lets keep it going. 

Cost: $49  -  There will be 29 sessions in 29 Days for Feb

Monday 730pm
Tuesday 6am/730pm
Wednesday 6am
Thursday 6am/730pm
Saturday 7am

Monday, December 19, 2011



One of the ladies who attends TNT Body Camp wanted to let me know how the camp has changed her body.  She started TNT Sept. 1 and I asked her to take a picture.  She signed up for my December Camp and she recently took a picture.  I must say this, and as loud as I can.  Your body can change, if you are willing to put the time and effort into change. 
I'm so proud of her because I remember her struggling and wondering when and if her body would change.  I was always encouraging her on the workout and meal plan.  This lady couldn't run the block that we run in the parking lot, or do a push up and I can truthfully say, she wasn't all that confident.  I tell people all the time that if you give me 90 days and you are consistent, we can change together.  This young lady bought into what I said hook, line and sinker.

 90 days after we started this process, she took another picture and I'm excited to show you all her progress.  I know there are other reasons she changed, but running was one, she decided to stop walking to her body.  She pushed through the pain and discomfort and now her confidence is definitely on the rise, she smiles as bright as the sun now.  She changed her eating habits, which is a big big plus for her and anyone who wants to change.  Finally, this lady beats me to TNT Body Camp, I never have to worry about when she will get there, she is in the building greeting me.  You guys will see a physical change, but her mental change is off the charts, I can't wait to see her today. 

Monday, November 28, 2011

TNT Body Camp ---December 2011


The vision continues to change the lives of those who are willing to put in the work, overcome the pain and build confidence and a healthy lifestyle.   We will continue to focus on the mind, body and meal plan.   We are so excited about the campers who chose to come to our BODY CAMP.   For those who attended our previous camps, you can probably tell that our camp is PROGRESSIVE, ACTION PACKED and INTENSE.   Our exercises will become increasingly more difficult as you proceed through body camp.  Body Campers will move constantly in the action packed hour and from minute one to minute 60, our trainers will push you and help you to reach new levels in your fitness.   You only get one life and one body, let's get the most out of it by giving our best during  BODY CAMP.  It won't be easy, but it will be rewarding.    If you are reading this blog, hopefully you have decided to read about the meal plans that are listed throughout the blog.  I will have a updated meal plan posted before the start of camp December 1, 2011.   


Your mind is the most important part of the body when it comes to achieving your fitness goals.   Self motivation, my favorite type of motivation is rooted in your positive thoughts of self and achievement.   Commitment is the promise you make to yourself that you will improve your body and your overall health.  This is one of those promises that you make, keep and can be very proud of.  Determination also known as the strength of your mind is another key component of success in TNT Body Camp and you life.  Self motivation, commitment and determination are essential concepts of your mind that are vital to your success in our camp.  We will challenge you, and if you are motivated you get results and keep coming back for more and more.  If you have the WILL, we WILL show you the WAY to that improved body.  If you think about it, feeling great, being fit, being healthy all start in your mind.  YOU HAVE TO GET YOUR MIND RIGHT FIRST.   The BODY will FOLLOW.


All of us should know the weekly schedule and how we work that body in BODY CAMP.  Most of the Body Campers will attend 4 classes per week for a total of 4 hours.  If my math is right, there are 168 hours in a week.   The 4 hours we spend in the gym is important, however, it's a very small percent of those 168 hours we all have available to us.  We will eliminate the 112 hours we spend working and resting, (8 hours each for week).  That leaves us with 56 hours to do some things we enjoy and improving our health should be at the top of the list.   I've already accounted for 4 of those approximate 56 hours for those who attend all 4 classes of camp per week, but truthfully that isn't enough time to make the change we all want from our bodies.   We will need to use some of that free time we have to do a walk/run or do some strength training in addition to Body Camp.   Basically, you need to not only do the TNT Body Camp class, but also continue to do some things at home to improve you overall fitness.   First, you have to get your mind right, then you have to attend the 4 classes per week and workout at home too, WOW.  What you put in, is what you will get out, proud to hear several of Body campers say they went running on their off days or  did some core work or some strength training.  It's paying off, because we see the improvement in your participation and energy you bring to the camp.    We have campers asking to go running, or wanting to go harder in class, and believe me, that's contagious.  Iron sharpens iron, we are in TNT BODY CAMP to help each other.  Next comes the meal planning. 


The majority of the campers who have signed up for classes have stated that they would like to lose weight and inches.  Our workout is designed to assist you in those areas when combined with a healthy meal plan.  It's not JUST the workouts, guys, you also have to watch what you EAT.  It's been said that even the best trainer can't beat poor eating habits.  All that means is, we can train you, do the cardio, strength training, resistance training etc, but if you continue to eat poorly, those poor eating habits will win every time, not the training.  When poor eating habits win, you lose confidence but gain weight, any way you add that up its a loss.  For the majority of us, poor eating habits along with a sedentary lifestyle has lead to weight gain.  Body Camp classes will assist you with your inactivity for the three hours you are with us, but earlier in the blog I talked about number of hours in week.  I will reiterate the importance of you also being active and working out on the days off from the camp.    Furthermore, you have to do some meal planning, which is very important for the success of you overall fitness.  It may require you to get up earlier to prepare all of your meals for the day in the morning or may you're a night owl and can stay up late cooking.  Whatever fits you, just do it.  If you fail to plan, you plan to FAIL.  Meal Planning takes time and thinking ahead as well as following through with your plan.  Hopefully, you will remember some of these tips when you do your meal planning this week. 

1.    Drink water

2.    Serving size not portion size, there is a difference.

3.    Read your labels on all foods for daily values. 

4.    Follow the schedule of eating smaller meals and snacks every 2 to 3 hours

5.    Balance your meal/caloric intake throughout the day, don't eat just one meal for 1500 calories for example, split those calories into 3 small meals and 2 snacks.

6.    Protein helps your muscles recovery and also helps to build muscle.  It's very important to take protein after your workout.  

7.    Did you take a multi vitamin?

8.    Time and consistency changes your body.  Are you attending 4 classes per week, What are you doing on your days off from class? 

Here's a list of foods to consider that could assist you with weight loss and fat burning. 

Low-Fat Dairy

According to a 2004 research study conducted by Professor Michael Zemel at the University of Tennessee in Knoxville, a diet with low-fat dairy, combined with calorie restriction, was found to nearly double the rate of weight and fat loss. The findings suggest that dairy and calcium help burn belly fat while strengthening your bones.


Eggs contain vitamin B12, a vitamin related to the ability to break down fat cells. says that eggs are also high in protein, which helps curb your appetite by making you feel full longer. Consider eating egg whites to reduce your overall cholesterol intake.


Oatmeal contains soluble fiber that helps flush bad digestive acids out of your system, allowing you to feel full longer. This helps fight the temptation of overeating. Eat oatmeal that is unsweetened and unflavored. Other benefits associated with oatmeal include lowering blood cholesterol as well as the risk for colon cancer and heart disease.

Citrus Fruits

Eat citrus fruits such as lemons, oranges, grapefruit or tangerines. According to, these fruits are rich in vitamin C, which helps the body speed up the ability to burn fat by diluting the fat and stimulating the carnitine amino acid.


Berries, such as blueberries, raspberries or strawberries, contain pectin that releases fat tissue from fat cells. According to Gary Stoner, a professor at Ohio State University, berries have been linked to reducing the risk for cancers


Eat bananas for the potassium. Each banana contains approximately 450 mg of potassium that supplies about 25 percent of your recommended daily amount of potassium. The potassium boosts your metabolism--the ability to burn calories and fat--and helps regulate your body's water balance.


Apples contain antioxidants and pectin that helps burn belly fat. says that the pectin restricts the body's ability to absorb fat into the cells while the antioxidants prevent metabolic syndrome---a condition that results in excess belly fat.



Consume garlic as a natural antibiotic and blood sugar regulator. By controlling blood sugar and insulin level, your body can maximize fat burning for energy, resulting in reduced belly fat. Garlic is also a thermogenic that boosts metabolism.


Asparagus has a natural fluid flushing effect on the body that promotes the breakdown of fat cells. It also provides vitamins A and C that speeds up the process of burning fat.


Tuesday, November 8, 2011

Order the COMBO

We all are looking to get the most for what we pay for.  The fast food industry has capitalized on this concept of combining several different items together and making it a combo, supposedly you get more bang for your buck.  If you go to Subway, you can choose to order the 6" turkey on wheat, but when its time to pay, that cashier will ask you if you want to make it a combo, adding chips and drink.  All the fast food restaurants have their combos of a sandwich, fries and drink, which you can up size for a few cents more.  I have to be honest, the combo usually serves its purpose because it gives you the sandwich, chips and a drink (water for T), my favorite is the grilled chicken on flat bread, spinach, tomatoes, cucumber, jalapenos, onion and bell peppers.  Enough about me, I want to really focus on ordering the right combo. 

I spend a lot of time talking to the wonderful people who attend TNT Body Camp.   It's amazing how words of encouragement can motivate people to reach for the stars and change their lives.  TNT Body Camp is about the people and change, not about T.  Although I'm very vocal and sometimes insane, every time I show up, it's about the people who attend, their growth and change.  I have another great story of change that involves a young lady who finally ordered the combo. 

This combo didn't come from Subway, or Burger King.  She didn't get it from one of the five star restaurants.  Yomeka, like many people who attend classes or become members of gyms, only do the workouts and never pay close attention to meal plans.  In speaking with Yomeka, and monitoring her in TNT over the past few months, her work ethic has been extraordinary.  Yomeka is a beautiful mother and wife who is already planning for the month and sent me this message.  After reading it, I think you will look at your workouts different, as well as your meal planning.  If you put a high intensity workout together with a great meal plan, you have a combo that leads to a healthy lifestyle.  These are the words of Yomeka E. 

   "Ok, I'm trying to figure out my workout schedule for the month.  That's all. Btw, I have been going hard in class for the past couple of months but I wasn't going hard on my diet.  I wasn't gaining, but I wasn't loosing like I could have.  In just 2 weeks of going hard in and out of class, I have lost 7 lbs and I'm down a pants size.  It's downhill from here and I thank you for being so motivating to everyone in the class.   I'm in this thang and getting this body ready for my vacation in March :). 

I look forward to coming to class and experiencing that discomfort! That's sexy entering the Body!!!!! "

Sometimes, going to the gym and working out isn't good enough. 

If you really want to change, you have to do a combination of intense workout, rest and meal planning.

According to Yomeka, experiencing discomfort in the gym causes SEXY to enter the Body. 

Order the COMBO.  Intense workout + meal planning + REST.



Monday, November 7, 2011


It's amazing what happens when your will to fight keeps you in the game or life or helps you to overcome an obstacle.  I was captivated by what I saw this weekend on HBO.  It was a fight between James Kirkland and Alfredo Angulo.  Angulo was the favorite in the fight and the fight was hosted in his hometown in Mexico.  Kirkland was underdog, who was released from prison in September 2010, at the time he was an undefeated fighter who made a poor decision to carry a loaded gun while on probation.  Kirkland returned to the ring and knocked out two opponents before facing light punching Japanese fighter Nobuhiro Ishida, who knocked him out in the first round in April 2011.  After the knockout to Ishida, James knocked out two other opponents which set up the big showdown with Angulo. 

Persistence pays off, because in the first round of this fight, Kirkland hit the canvas just 30 seconds into the fight.  Angulo, the pit bull, was all over James and applied a great deal of punishment to James until James turned the tide and knocked Angulo down before the round was over.  This was a great round and might be the round of the year.  Eventually, the fight ended in the 6th round via TKO and James Kirkland hands were raised in victory.  After the fight he was interviewed by Max Kellerman, who asked James, "what just happened" James replied, "Training, it was the training".   Big shout out to trainer, Ann Wolfe, for helping this fighter to find that inner strength through training to get off the canvas and fight to win.  If you want to be successful with your body, YOU HAVE TO TRAIN!!!! and eat the right things. 

James is an excellent example of people who get up from mistakes, recover from prison stint and fight to be the best he can be.  James is persistent, he kept fighting, training and now he is a major player in the middle weight division.  If you get a chance, look at the replay of that fight and listen to his training regiment with Ann WOLFE.  He is a professional boxer, and maybe you won't be getting in the ring, but we all can learn from it.  James stated that when he lost, he didn't train hard, but in the victory he attributed it to his hard training with Ann Wolfe.  Are you training in the gym to the best of your ability, and combining it with a great meal plan?  That's the combination for a healthy lifestyle and change in your body, and you don't have to risk you face and body in the ring like James. 

Maybe you can't identify with James, but, there is a Kim W in  TNT Body Camp you can identify with.  Kim started camp in October.  Her first day was probably one of the most uncomfortable for her in her life.  Kim complained of fatigue, anxiety, I can't make it, I never worked out like this and is it over.   I saw Kim walk out of camp and one of my  interns had to go out and check on her.  Kim made it through her first day and I left questioning if she would come back.  Kim showed back up the next day of camp and experienced some the the same fatigue, but she brought some soreness from the previous class with her.  Kim kept fighting, which reminded me of the James Kirkland fight.  Kim comes to my 6 am class, born again believers know what I'm saying "He got up".   

Jesus got up and has been saving lives for many years, if you haven't tried him, he's one call away.  Just say his name, Jesus.  James got up from that first round knockdown and changed his career in boxing.  James got up from that prison cell by making the right decision so he could walk back into that ring and fight.   Kim got up the first week of October, sore, uncomfortable and showed up for TNT Body Camp.  Can I tell you all how persistence pays?  We see it everyday in how your persistence with following Jesus manifest in reaching places in life that would not be possible without him.  I will let Kim tell you how her persistence and belief is paying off for her.  Yes, Kim is a believer in the power of Jesus, she reminds me all the time.  This is the message she sent me this morning on FB and it's a great example of her persistence and belief. 
"Good morning, I got home and decided to try on some of the dresses I could not fit anymore thinking they would be tight and uncomfortable but low and behold they fit perfect and I still have a lot of breathing room. I didn't think I was loosing anything but I am. Im sooo proud of myself, it gave me a boost of motivation to keep going. Tnt Body Camp is beast"

Some of us need to listen to the some by Jennifer Hudson, "We gone fight"

If you a believer like KIM and me, you might want to lean on, "I am on the battle field for my Lord"

Maybe you need to look at what you are doing, is it working for you and how much are you putting into your workout or other goals you are pursuing. 

We are all set up to be successful, even when things don't go exactly as planned, because we have the will to fight and the POWER OF PERSISTENCE. 


Thanks to Kim and all my TNT BODY CAMPERS. 

Saturday, November 5, 2011


We have finished the 1st week of our November Camp.  I'm so excited about the new people who have decided they want to change their body at TNT Body Camp.  I want to personally thank each person for deciding to attend TNT Body Camp for their fitness needs, and we will make your time in our camp, action packed, intense and body changing.  The participation and intensity started at a elevated pace and continued throughout the week.  I'm hearing a lot of great things about people changing their attitudes, meals and bodies.

 I was talking to Crystal B this morning and she said, T, I'm down one dress size and then she showed me what she ate for her birthday dinner.  Grilled salmon, over spinach and a salad.  I'm thinking to myself, this is the same Crystal that started TNT in October and now she has changed her body and meal plan in a matter of weeks.  I remember the Red River Revel, LOL.  I guess you can say a seed was planted, and the fruit of her labor is very rewarding. 

I think Patience in this process of changing your body is very important.  First, the seed has to be planted.  Next, you have to work and wait.  There are things that you can do while you wait.  Your meal planning and giving 110% during your workouts can help you while you wait on that desired body.  I failed to mention that I saw Crystal at the Red River Revel and she was going hard eating some things that we don't have on the meal plan.  Crystal thought I was going to say something to her because she attempted to hide behind her husband when I walked in her direction, I practiced patience.  I thought that was a very important point for Crystal, because the next week, she showed up and started to work harder in class.  The following week, she sent me a text, T, I got it on my mind today.  She showed up a few minutes late, but she worked so hard, you couldn't tell she was late.Seeds are planted and then they grow.     

Crystal's story is just one of the many stories that happen in TNT Body Camp.  You guys may not  know that Crystal has a newborn and she was so pumped up about getting in camp, but had to wait her six weeks after baby before she could workout.  This is the message she sent me on facebook September 7, 2011.  "So I've heard!! My sister n laws come and they love it. I.just had a Baby two weeks ago. I tried to Come yesterday but the hubby wouldn't let me. So I'm thinking I can come in two weeks or should I.just wait for the next camp to start? You're doing an awesome job BC all I hear about is.damn tnt boot camp!!!! She was in contact with me and was talking about starting in September , but her husband had to get her mind right and tell her to be patient.  GREAT JOB Husband.   SOMETIMES GOOD THINGS COME TO THOSE WHO WAIT.  Crystal is blossoming in TNT Body Camp, she's not making excuses about a baby, she's working off that weight from her pregnancy.  She's an inspiration to all the baby momma's, big S/o to Fantasia.   

Finally, many of you guys know that I'm from Keithville and I happened to travel down there yesterday to see my parents.  My dad recently turned 80 and he loves his garden.  My dad had a stroke 3 years ago and suffers from left side paralysis.  Even though he spends a great deal of time in bed, he knows how to get things done.  He has friends and 13 children that he counts on.  My dad and I were talking about the garden and he asked me, "Tarrant, have you seen my greens, they are out behind my shed, its two rows of them"  I replied, "NO", I didn't know greens were planted.  My dad said, Arnold D planted them last week for him. My dad was adamant that he wanted me to go check on his greens.  Of course, I walked out of the house to go check on these greens dad is so excited about.  Remember, earlier I stated, first you plant the seed and then you have to wait.  I think my dad missed the waiting part (PATIENCE).  I'm out behind the shed, looking at the two rows, but I couldn't really tell if the little green things sticking up were greens or grass.  I walked back in the house and my dad is excited and smiling, and repeats, "Tarrant, did you see my greens".  Guys he was so excited and I didn't want to bring him down.  I got excited with him, similiar to how I get hyped in gym and I said, " They COMING UP DAD"  They COMING UP".  I saw your greens coming up dad. 

Have you planted your seed?

How are you working your seed? 

Do you realize it takes time for your seed to produce or grow?

Can you practice patience? 

How many of you guys are on the way up with TNT BODY CAMP


Start singing like Dianna Ross, "I'm Coming OUT

I believe in you, and you guys are definitely on your way up.  

Are you PATIENT?